The answer dictates whether you gain a follower or lose one forever.
Would someone who doesn’t know you, or know of you, read this and think, “I need to follow this person?”
In other words, if you strip away your reputation and everything you’ve written previously, does the piece stand on its own well enough to impress a new reader? If the answer is “no,” you may want to reconsider publishing. Here’s why:
A potential follower’s opinion is worth more to you than someone who already follows you.*
This is because potential followers are hyper-critical. They’re looking for a reason to write you off. Perhaps they think you’re saying what everyone else is saying. Perhaps they think your writing style is atrocious. Perhaps they think you’re full of it. The list goes on and on. If they can find a reason not to let you into their inbox or feed, they will take it.
However, they’ll follow you if what you’re saying is intriguing. They’ll be on board if your writing is interesting and thought-provoking. But you only get one shot. So ask yourself, “am I about to squander it?”
*Don’t get me wrong, your current audience is important as well. But, if you deliver them quality content that intrigues potential followers, they’re not going anywhere.